about us

Claudia Blum

Claudia Blum is an interior designer of international repute who has worked at a number of leading companies, including Matteo Thun in Milan, Italy. She founded STUDIOArchitects with Hendrik Fraune in 2005 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The partnership specializes in design and styling services for high-class real estate and luxury hotels worldwide.

Hendrik Fraune

After studying architecture Hendrik Fraune worked for Prof. Hans-Ullrich Bitsch, the agency Klein / Haller and Matteo Thun in Milan, with his partner, Claudia Blum, he founded the office STUDIOarchitects in 2005, focusing on the design and the interior of international high-class real estate and luxury hotels.

studioarchitects team

Claudia Blum


Hendrik Fraune


Epifanio Trombello

3 D Rendering

Sabrina Kretschmar

Project Manager

Lea Hughes


Sara Buchner

Project Manager

Alexandra Berger


Marc Mates

Project Manager